Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gray Model Syndrome

So if any of you are like me you just want to throw some dice around and you just can't seem to get enough time in the day to do everything you want to do and then paint up some models. Mostly when I go to my local hobby store (Games Workshop) I can find myself a game or two relatively shortly, but when I don't want to play Warhammer 40k or more commonly the case I show up too early and no one else is there to play with I have to hobby. Of course things like requiring a fully painted (three colors) and based (colored base) models to play Mordheim on the pretty Mordheim table helps.

To be honest Gray Model Syndrome (GMS) doesn't only include non primed models. You could be suffering from GMS with any number of models that aren't finished the painting process. Grey Model Syndrome starts when you start collecting more models then you are likely to paint before you get bored of painting or your next paycheck comes in and you buy more little plastic gray men.

Facts you should know about Gray Model Syndrome.
  • GMS afflicts 97% of war gamers I know
  • GMS is treatable
  • When fixed you will feel better for it
  • Not only you but your models suffer
  • Enjoyment goes up by a factor of Q
Don't worry though, we can help you help yourself help your models help you help I forgot where I was going with this. The simplest thing to do is attack your GMS by targeting its route cause and work on it bit by bit. In our twelve step program we start by priming all the things followed by either focusing on a few models at a time or mass painting bits such as the left knee cap on each model in a unit.

Through destination, determination & deliberation we can teleport ourselves out of this curse and bring a fully painted army to the table, because chicks dig fully painted models. Go ahead and ask them, they'll tell you "chirp chirp chirp".

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