At the moment there is still a lot of warbands I haven't made a post for. Some warbands are very hard to decide on like the Sisters of Sigmar where there are no real substitutes that keep the same look and feel.
Official Warbands
- Averland Mercenaries
- Beastmen Raiders
- Carnival of Chaos
- Cult of the Possessed
- Dwarf Treasure Hunters
- Kislevit (Mercenary)
- Marienburg Mercenaries
- Middenhelm Mercenaries
- Orcs & Goblins
- Ostrander Mercenaries
- Reikland Mercenaries
- Sisters of Sigmar
- Skaven
- Undead
- Witch Hunters
Unofficial Warbands
- Amazon Warriors
- Bretonnian Knights
- Dark Elves Warband
- Lizardmen Warriors
- Norse Warband (getting their own post)
- Pirate Crew
- Pit Fighters (getting their own post)
- Shadow Warriors
- The Outlaws of Stirwood Forest (getting their own post)
- Tomb Guardians
Experimental Warbands
- Albion Barbarian Tribe
- Assassin Squad (skaven)
- Circus Extraordinaire
- Druchii Warband
- Halfling Warband
- Mordheimers' Fanatics
- Night Goblins Warband
- Ogre Warband
- Wood Elves