Monday, July 16, 2012

Cheap Mordheim: Beastmen Raiders

I have to say that beastmen raiders are an interesting warband to go with since they have zero ranged weapons. The only ranged attack you can get is from magic from your shaman and that is it since most hired swords don't work with beastmen. Since your primary focus is close combat their biggest advantage is speed since they have a Movement of 5" instead of the universal 4". Taking this into consideration you'll want to give your heroes a speed skill or two to increase their maximum threat range to make up for the lack of 16" to 30" range attacks.

For this Leap and Sprint are very useful abilities since you can move triple your normal movement (15" charge range) and with leap you can increase that by one to six inches. I've seen this setup on a ghoul in an undead warband and it was scary to deal with.

I'm a little torn between what box to use for the base of the warband, since there are no ranged weapons the Ungor box's bows are useless, but the Gors box doesn't have any two handed weapons for a lovely strongman + double handed weapon, also since there is a minimal amount of swords (two in the Ungor box) you'll have to give up that parry on most characters. Good news though is that if you use the Ungor box you'll be able to make halberds with the spear and axe head. On the Gor box you'll get all the swords you want.

So after thinking about it, I'd say the Ungors box will probably be the better deal though if you want to get a second box to expand to the full 15 members before halfling cookbooks are added I'd also say get the Gor box too. Sadly though one of the Beastmen Raiders heroes is a Centigor so unless you want to green stuff some bodies together you'll need to get one more box to get all your heroes (it sucks not having them all). The best news about this though is that a single Centigor is fairly cheap compared to other single models (all of my necron finecast). It is interesting that the three centigor choices costs the same as the mordheim centigor so it all depends on which one looks best to you. (I'd choose this one and make his spear into a halbert for that +1 strength)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I have been in a similar situation recently, since my friend and I have finally picked up Mordheim and I have been wanting to create a Beastman warband for YEARS.

    The Mordheim Beastmen minis didn't appeal to me, so I ended up deciding on the Warhammer Gor herd. You can always saw horns off to make Ungor, and it didn't take much modelling to make a two handed weapon. The standard-bearer was easily converted to a bray shaman with a staff. I was adamant I wanted a minotaur, but the GW minotaurs don't appeal to me in the least, as well as seeming ridiculously overpriced, so I bought a minotaur from Gary Hunt (NZ miniatures designer)for a mere $15. Amazing mini, actually.

    I aspire to make my own centigor, maybe with parts from a plastic chaos knight mount.

    Cheers, Simon
